Pakru Pra sit ti is famous for his ability for making charm to attract friends, opp sex and wealth.
Is there such a powerful charm?
Do you happen to eat at a resturant when the food attrct flies?
No matter how you chase them away, they will come back to you again. This is the power of attraction.
This guru decided to make amulets which has this kind of function, where you go, you will attrct people, whatever you do, you will attrct good luck and good energy to you. So, he put in all his effort to make a batch of powreful attrction amulet.
Above is a amulet with a image of housefly which symbol after wearing it, your body aura will attract friends and good positive energy to you. This amulet contain of honey, chanted holy powder (to booast luck), love herbs and love oil.
Next is the hand wriitten charm.
This is the most powerful of all. Before it is wriiten, Guru go into deep medition to pray and invite gods to come for blessing. After which, he will bless the metal piece splash tthe metal piece with holy water.After that he will write the mantraon the amulet, while writing, he is chanting. while chanting, he is writing. after writing finish, he will rub a layer of attraction oil on it. after writng, he will go into medition to transfer all his power, all his blessing into it. WHAT A GREAT EFFORT!!!! Then he put it in his alter in the temple where he do his chanting everyday and has it blessed for 49 days!!!! The worse part is he only make 29 pieces. I ask him why make so little, he say all this are hand written, and it take alot of effort and energy to make. As guru is getting to hi ages, i understand that it is really tough to make at his age, ESPECAILLY HAND MAKE, NOT MACHINE MAKE!!!!
Click here on the link below to get this special charm now!!!!!