I has buyers request this to be post here to shed some lights on this BREAKTHROUGH thai amulet.
There are many questions on this charming bastard thai amulet how it works.
Well, I would say:
"KEYS" to unlock her legs ( charming bastard)
This buyer told me that many of his friends has problems getting near this pretty lady.
He approach me. I say from my records, I has seen the impossible become possible.. Use this charming bastard thai amulet. Turn the table around by making her get near you!
Next moment, I got his short message :
We are talking, she was giggling happily slipping bit by bit of her drink. I secretly pray to that Bastard amulet I got from you.
Soon, I find myself sneaking my hands into her short skirt and the next moment , I got the" keys" to unlock her leg in my car.
I do not want to elaborate further what has happened to my this lucky buyers as this is not some porn sites where you can read some sex stories. He request not to publish his sms as he worry his dirty secret with me will be find out!
I am fine, since most people, sorry, is All People will HAS their own dirt secret.
Many people ask me, what is this charming bastard all about?
Well, so many years of selling this items, many buyers give this item more nasty names.:
The bad boy weapons
The sneaky dirty tricks
Charming a person without their notice
Steal their attention etc.....
1 of my buyers whose want to be known as nick king sex magnet describe this item as secrets of irresistible attraction.
Many items have restrictions on charming.
Some buyers face zero effect if that person is alert enough to block you
That person has some spiritual protection.
But this charming bastard has a way to route pass any restrictions and charm that person to crawl to you without they knowing that.
Is like a sneaky acts going on.
Just like some peeping worms in your desktop or laptop plant by the FBI without you know what happening and you are happily surfing the net thinking you are safe.
I writing this post to elaborate on how charming bastard works as many people ask what is going on in this item.
Hope this post will shine some lights.
Contact: helpyoucharm@gmail.com
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Ladies sweet revenge: make your ex lover crawl coming back charming bastard thai amulet
This pity lady, a loser in the love relationship. Always treat like a toy by her lover.
Now, she is different. She got her revenge. After using this no mercy love charm , charming bastard, in a short notice, she got phone calls and messages from her lost lovers who has dump her previously.
She told me she going to dump them back after they has crawl back!
It seem like what i wanted happened
But not about my ex other guy
But what u said is true
I did foget bout the charm n just had fun and the charm worked!
Theres this one guy i had crush he suddenly stopped contact me but i dont know why he stopped contact me last tuesday then suddenly just now he contact me
His reason he said his phone broken.. Hmm but i dont care as long as he contact me but he want to meet me tomoroe
I also met with my ex bf long last time it was 2013
Its been a long time i didnt met him we didnt contact but suprisingly ive met him the first night i used the charm bastard
It seem like i can charm any guy that i want cos i wish to charm any guy that i want and dont want to be played again i said
And now everythings seem goes my way!
Wow thank u nayan and thanks to master 😬😊
有名可怜的女生的爱情运超烂, 总遇不到任何一个真心对待她的伴侣。经常被男人玩弄其感情。可是这次终于到她复仇的时候了!
在她使用了此爱情泰國佛牌之后, 对方会对她神魂颠倒, 日夜思念, 狂追不舍。在短时间, 迅速的把抛弃她的前任, 统统招回她的身边! 而她会以牙还牙, 让他们体验被心爱的人抛弃后的惨痛经历!
一切就如我所愿, 不只是我的前任, 就连我曾经暗恋的男生也莫名其妙的主动与我联络! 我遵照了你的嘱咐, 随意而安, 一切如往。在我不知觉中, 所有的奇迹就这样莫名的发生在我身上! 多年不愿与我会面的前任答应明日与我见面! 我暗恋许久的男生也主动约我! 看来我可以使任何一个男人为我神魂颠倒。我不再被男人玩弄于鼓掌了! 一切顺利, 随心所欲。谢谢你, 谢谢大师!
Now, she is different. She got her revenge. After using this no mercy love charm , charming bastard, in a short notice, she got phone calls and messages from her lost lovers who has dump her previously.
She told me she going to dump them back after they has crawl back!
It seem like what i wanted happened
But not about my ex other guy
But what u said is true
I did foget bout the charm n just had fun and the charm worked!
Theres this one guy i had crush he suddenly stopped contact me but i dont know why he stopped contact me last tuesday then suddenly just now he contact me
His reason he said his phone broken.. Hmm but i dont care as long as he contact me but he want to meet me tomoroe
I also met with my ex bf long last time it was 2013
Its been a long time i didnt met him we didnt contact but suprisingly ive met him the first night i used the charm bastard
It seem like i can charm any guy that i want cos i wish to charm any guy that i want and dont want to be played again i said
And now everythings seem goes my way!
Wow thank u nayan and thanks to master 😬😊
有名可怜的女生的爱情运超烂, 总遇不到任何一个真心对待她的伴侣。经常被男人玩弄其感情。可是这次终于到她复仇的时候了!
在她使用了此爱情泰國佛牌之后, 对方会对她神魂颠倒, 日夜思念, 狂追不舍。在短时间, 迅速的把抛弃她的前任, 统统招回她的身边! 而她会以牙还牙, 让他们体验被心爱的人抛弃后的惨痛经历!
一切就如我所愿, 不只是我的前任, 就连我曾经暗恋的男生也莫名其妙的主动与我联络! 我遵照了你的嘱咐, 随意而安, 一切如往。在我不知觉中, 所有的奇迹就这样莫名的发生在我身上! 多年不愿与我会面的前任答应明日与我见面! 我暗恋许久的男生也主动约我! 看来我可以使任何一个男人为我神魂颠倒。我不再被男人玩弄于鼓掌了! 一切顺利, 随心所欲。谢谢你, 谢谢大师!
Email : helpyoucharm@gmail.com.
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Lazyman success secret
Hi Nayan,
It's crazy how mysterious your thai amulets work. It's been a few weeks since my exams have ended. As you know im a very lazy and easily distracted person and before my exams I took a few amulets so that I could just clear my paper..... Bro... I passed :) . Firstly it was not normal at all how I memorised almost my whole programme booklet within 7hrs of studying, I literally could write out everything from every page exactly, it's like my memory was on steroids. When I went for that paper i basically could answer everything!
I had my last paper on the next day, before I studied for the paper I had a sudden strong intuitive feeling of what type of questions were going to come out so I only focused on those few topics. Guess what ? Those topics came out as well. It's just crazy how for the first time I was able to do my exams so smoothly. Thanks for your help Bro , you saved me!
Contact: helpyoucharm@gmail.com
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Hey, it work like a charm
A buyer told me that he need my help to get people attention. He need badly a second chance!
He has failed several times in his high school and the school has given him many chances. This times, he fail again! There is no way they are going to give him a second chance!
After using my item which I has recommended him, miracle, he got his appeal approve!
Hello Bro, my appeal results came out today. As you know I have failed my exams and the school has already given me a chance once ,allowing me to continue studying and not terminate me because you have helped me previously as well before hence I seeked your help again in making my appeal a success this time. I did as u have told me after I have gotten your thai amulets, the secret technique you have taught me was very effective. Basically I went to meet the in charge of my course today to further explain my appeal, while I was explaining she did not seem to take much interest in what I was saying and even scolded me for not cherishing my first chance, at that point of time I already felt that I was not going to be approved. But suddenly she said I was lucky , lucky that the head of management had already approved my appeal for this chance and that no one ever had passed their appeal the second time. I was shocked that I heard that because as u know I'm not a good student in the first place who has wrote in numerous appeals to the school for various issues. BUT still I was the only one that received this piece of good news while my other friends who appealed as well all failed. This is what u truly call a miracle! Your amulets not only gave me this chance to complete my studies but as well as giving me enough time to work on my career path before my enlistment, we will talk more about that when we meet up again.
Thanks again for all your help Nayan. There is no doubt about your amulets power because the results speak for itself!!
兄弟, 今天我接获我的续学申请成绩。之前我已和你提过, 我在会考中名落孙三。我必须向校方提出申请, 特准我继续升学。在那第一次的申请过程, 你已帮我顺利过关。
这一次我又需要你再一次帮我通过第二轮的申请面试。因为我又不及格了。逢第二次提出申请的同学们, 从来没一个过关。
在第一次的申请面试中, 那名面试官告诉我: 他已破格让我继续升学, 下不为例。在这次的面试中, 我被即任导师痛训了一番。心里想: 这一次我肯定要停学了。可没想到: 好险哪! 我又顺利通过面试, 可以继续升学。这一切的功劳都是因为你!!!
所有的成功全仰仗于你的泰国佛牌。你给我介绍的泰国佛牌发挥他们的神奇力量, 让我见证了奇迹与希望。我不但可以成功完成学业, 也可以在入伍前专注发展我的事业。我将来的发展计划, 会面时再与你详谈。
再一次感谢你的帮助。你的佛牌的惊人力量是让人意想不到的! 事实已证明了一切!
Contact: helpyoucharm@gmail.com
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