I saw master cum( the only master in white robe) and many other famous monks in the notice board. the notice board mention about the dates of the amulets being blessed, the famous master involved in blessing and what is this fire tiger all about!!! Furthermore, it briefly described the function about this fire tiger amulet: against spirit, let people have respect for you, fear you, people like you, stop crying of children( as some children as disturb by spirit), cure for curse, cure for disturbances by spirit.
Th writing also mention about this animal, fire tiger, and the reason why this particular animal, fire tiger is being selected to make amulets. The writing mention that in the old magical books, it has state that this fire tiger is very very different from other tiger. It is extremely very beautiful and it fierceness nature compare to other tiger, this fire tiger will never lose to them! That why this fire tiger is highly recommend to make into amulets as it has a fierce and attraction effect. People are very much attracted to them yet fear them!
When it is my turn to talk to master, I talk to him about the noticed board. He say that each and every tiger skin inside the amulet contain hand written mantra. he told me every blessing of that each tiger skin amulet is follow closely to the steps and methods taught by his teachers and these methods had been pass down through many generations. Furthermore, he told me he make such each blessing and ceremony are all done in very well selected dates and follow strict procedures!!! To enhance and make such that the amulets are all very powerful and, he invited many powerful master to join force with him to blessed these amulets!!! That explain the pictures of those famous master in the noticed board.
he also told me that in the noticed board, he has stress that despite the skin or the fur of the tiger is being used, after every blessing/ceremony is done, he will do a transfer of merits to the tigers to wish them to be reborn in higher realm in next rebirth. the skin being used contain only the energy of Fierce, energy of strong power, and energy of attraction.
I have receive a email from 1 of my friends who has got the tiger amulets from me.
He thank me for introducing such a great stuff to him!!! We meet up for a chat and take picture together for memory.
Below are the email and picture with my friend.

Click on the picture below to enlarge

Lastly, i would like to make use of this oppurinty to wish everyone a happy new year and May 2010 will be a happy and a blissful year for everyone.
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