Spice up your sex life!!!!!!!!!
Aries, 21/3 - 20/4
If you've been withholding your passions, don't. Otherwise, how are you going to spark off flames of love? In 2010, work on this. You tend to be headstrong and dislike people who oppose you, but when it comes to having sex, you should listen to your partner's feedback, because in reality, your performance in bed is still amateur. This year, you are exceptionally possessive, your partner might end up finding that the relationship is stifling. Be careful that your obvious concern for your partner does not backfire on you. He or she might, in turn, feel made use of as an object to satisfy your sexual thirsts. Control your emotions properly, otherwise, you might run the risk of breaking up!
-Quickest way to change your "love luck": Ensure ample light on your doorstep to brighten up your marriage path.
-Most satisfying lover's horoscope: Leo
-Least satisfying lover's horoscope: Scorpio
-Best location for making love:
-Best way to turn the heat up: Use bedsheets with flower motifs
-Best sexual position: Reverse Cowgirl position
-Things to look out for: Artificial flowers and grass in your home will spoil your chances at love.
Taurus, 21/4 - 20/5
If you are inconsiderate to other's feelings and lack the courage to sweet-talk, your partner will complain you're an ice-cube!. Learn to express yourself, show your hidden, buried passion. If not, you will be defeated by the third party, and your partner will leave you even if you give chase! You believe that besides lustful passion, there needs to be love. This will help you to win happiness. Follow through with this, care for your partner, enhance your foreplay.
-Quickest way to change your "love luck": Clean up all your cabinets and drawers, keep things systematically
-Most satisfying lover's horoscope: Pisces
-Least satisfying lover's horoscope: Aquarius
-Best location for making love: Dimly lit dining room
-Best way to turn the heat up: Hold on until the very last second before you remove the lingerie
-Best sexual position: The traditional missionary style would be sufficient
-Things to look out for: Your libido is high, and may climax easily, foreplay must be controlled, not too heated up
Gemini, 21/5 - 20/6
If you are attractive and have no wish to settle down - this might be a good thing for you this year. 2010 is not a good year for marriage if you're still single. Continue to look around to see who might be better suited for you. Whether you're married or not, there are many temptations that will test your willpower.You must remember, you can't afford the consequences, especially not this year! Instead, why don't you take this year to tone down and cultivate yourself.
-Quickest way to change your "love luck": Crystal accessories by your side always
-Most satisfying lover's horoscope: Sagittarus
-Least satisfying lover's horoscope: Capricorn
-Best location for making love: Playroom (even those for children)
-Best way to turn the heat up: Playing cards, the one who loses will have to seduce the other party
-Best sexual position: Keep changing positions throughout
-Things to look out for: Watch your volume. Your groans could be so loud that it can be heard outside the room
Cancer, 21/6 - 20/7
The male will have a mother-love complex and the female will have a father-love complex. If you particularly have an interest the the mature type, be wary of entering into a forbidden relationship. If you pay too much attention to spirituality over physicality, you may be neglecting physical bonding. If your partner is one for novelty, chances are you will be left alone in bed. Change your dorky style, only then you will become more sexy.
-Quickest way to change your "love luck": Be mindful of your dining room decor, use round or oval-shaped dining table.
-Most satisfying lover's horoscope: Scorpio
-Least satisfying lover's horoscope: Aries
-Best location for making love: Nursury
-Best way to turn the heat up: Ask your partner to role-play as a child for your pleasure
-Best sexual position: Doggy style and hug your partner tight
-Things to look out for: Cramp easily.
Leo, 21/7 - 21/8
Your spiritual trouble is lightening up, and you can concentrate on enjoying love and pleasure. The old problem of wanting to lead on the bed still hasn't changed, your partner is extremely upset. Beware of this! This is an important year for mending your love life, including sex life. Take note of physical seduction and fickle-mindedness. Masturbation would satisfy you better.
-Quickest way to change your "love luck": Photos of gorgeous men and women are to be kept away from eye's view
-Most satisfying lover's horoscope: Aries
-Least satisfying lover's horoscope: Virgo
-Best location for making love: In the club
-Best way to turn the heat up: Flirt with loud music in the background
-Best sexual position: Your partner's back facing you
-Things to look out for: When role-play becomes torture, it would be disastrous.
Virgo, 22/8 - 22/9
Release! Release! You desire more and more to walk out of the old school mindset. This year it's time to take a big step forward. You are someone who is mindful of the importance of spiritual comfort, after enjoying physical comfort, you are likely to get addicted. Premarital sex will weigh you down with problems as you ponder about your partner being the 'right one'. So, when you have lust, it is best to curb this desire.
-Quickest way to change your "love luck":Put fresh flowers at both your house and your workplace
-Most satisfying lover's horoscope: Capricorn
-Least satisfying lover's horoscope: Leo
-Best location for making love: The most romantic atmosphere(As long as you're alright with it)
-Best way to turn the heat up: Right after shower, and cuddle in a clean bed
-Best sexual position: Facing each other. Close your eyes, and enjoy the feeling of being showered with love
-Things to look out for: To let your partner feel your passion
Libra, 9/23 - 22/10
Forget about the previous relationship that was not meant to be. In this coming year, take it easy and seek comfort with a fixed sex partner. There is no need to hurry into marriage. For those who are already in a marriage, life will not be dull. "Accidents" are rather frequent so do take an extra precaution. Well, do not fret much if unwanted pregnancy occurs, help the government and get your baby bonus!
-Quickest way to change your "love luck": Create the opportunity for the person you like to taste your specialty dish
-Most satisfying lover's horoscope: Aquarius
-Least satisfying lover's horoscope: Cancer
-Best location for making love: The kitchen, surrounded with tea light candles
-Best way to turn the heat up: Play some romantic music and cosy up for a warm heart-to-heart talk
-Best sexual position: Seated face-to-face, accompanied with hugging and lingering kisses
-Things to look out for: The clothes that are scattered haphazardly while undressing can be a turn-off.
Scorpio, 23/10 - 22/11
The desire for a family is mixing up with your sexual needs. There is a need to discern what you really want. One night stands are not your cup of tea. What you want is a faithful relationship but with so many temptations around this year, will you be able to stay true? All the best, we say!
-Quickest way to change your "love luck": Find a corner in your home and lay a carpet. Step on it regularly
-Most satisfying lover's horoscope: Cancer
-Least satisfying lover's horoscope: Aries
-Best location for making love: In the hotel
-Best way to turn the heat up: Caressing each other under dim and mellowed lights
-Best sexual position: Hug each other tightly in bed with you facing his back
-Things to look out for: Indoor air must be well circulated.
Sagittarius, 23/11 - 20/12
It has been awhile since you last felt any intense emotions. The previous bad experiences have left a scar. This year, your love life won't have much difference to the past year. Clear your thoughts and abandon the previous mess. If you're married, you may consider a short getaway trip to re-ignite the passion between you two. Embrace the whole new experience and feel the blissfulness that it'll bring.
-Quickest way to change your "love luck": Cleanliness is key, keep your home neat.
-Most satisfying lover's horoscope: Gemini
-Least satisfying lover's horoscope: Pisces
-Best location for making love: Anywhere as long as both parties are game for it
-Best way to turn the heat up: Include interesting foreplay games
-Best sexual position: Expect the unexpectable, such as a standing position
-Things to look out for: Do not always give in to him.
Capricorn, 21/12 - 19/1
Are you firmly hanging on to your partner like a life-buoy and wiling to forgo sex for him? Beware, that is a time bomb waiting to explode this year. While sex is not a necessity in a relationship, you have the rights to chase what you desire if it means contemplating about the current situation you're in.
-Quickest way to change your "love luck": If your purse allows you to, indulge in a spa treatment
-Most satisfying lover's horoscope: Virgo
-Least satisfying lover's horoscope: Gemini
-Best location for making love: Places of lodging during your overseas trip
-Best way to turn the heat up: Star gazing on a vast patch of grass (disclaimer: going all the way on the spot is wrong!)
-Best sexual position: The guy will be standing and catching his partner who will jump onto him
-Things to look out for: Let each other know where your g-spot is
Aquarius, 20/1 - 18/2
This is the year to stay low. Listen good, for those who are cheating on their partner (shame on you), come August, everything will unravel itself. It is advisable to sort of the mess before August, or else it'll take a toll on your sexual experiences. You'll feel the guilt during intercourse and feel strained for the wrong reasons.
-Quickest way to change your "love luck": Find nice and comfortable pair of shoes to wear
-Most satisfying lover's horoscope: Aquarius
-Least satisfying lover's horoscope: Taurus
-Best location for making love: Only at each other's house
-Best way to turn the heat up: Imagine that you've struck gold and you're bringing your lover for a honeymoon
-Best sexual position: Other than the typical missionary position, any other inflexible moves is too tough
-Things to look out for: Care about each others' feelings
Pisces, 19/2 - 20/3
Your current relationship is in an adverse situation. While there is happiness, it is not shared. This year will bring about a sense of stability and a wave of lost feelings. Your other half will take the initiative to make things better in the relationship so reciprocate accordingly. Constantly showing signs of affection is one way to guarantee a blissful sex live!
-Quickest way to change your "love luck": Show your gentle yet cheeky side in front of people
-Most satisfying lover's horoscope: Taurus
-Least satisfying lover's horoscope: Sagitarius
-Best location for making love: Any bathroom with a bathtub
-Best way to turn the heat up: Lying in bed, hugging
-Best sexual position: Tricks won't work as well as tender care and passionate touch to the skin
-Things to look out for: Be careful, you'll experience a lack of oxygen
Source: Asiaone.
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