Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Another happy person (lord Ganesha & Fire tiger thai amulet)
Hey nayan! Dont know if your remember me.. Its the guy who bought the ganesha and fire tiger.. Your amulets really helped me,i found my true friends.. And I get more respect from people too! When I pray for something I really need,somehow I get it,also the energy of the amulets is so strong,if I don't take of I can't sleep.. Thanks nayan! I think thanks is not even enough!
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Sunday, November 27, 2011
Another Happy person (lord kali)
Hi nayan
I have let My mum try goddness kali some how after wearing a few days people who work near her store become crazy and happy and laught all day event they don"t sell anything after she ask goddness kali to show her that if she is real to show some power. She dose done it and my mum she sale improve too
To tell you this amulet is very powerful mum she don't want to give me this amulet back that why i need to get new one from you .
One of the kind this amulet is.
Thank you
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I have let My mum try goddness kali some how after wearing a few days people who work near her store become crazy and happy and laught all day event they don"t sell anything after she ask goddness kali to show her that if she is real to show some power. She dose done it and my mum she sale improve too
To tell you this amulet is very powerful mum she don't want to give me this amulet back that why i need to get new one from you .
One of the kind this amulet is.
Thank you
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Saturday, November 26, 2011
Another happy person (cat and rat thai amulet)
Hi Nayan! This is XXX here, guess what? Me and my ex patch back liao, and he actually reply my every text that I send him, things between me and him are going quite well, guess its the power of the cat and rat! Heheh
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LP Sakorn Phra Khun Paen Prai Kuman
This is a popular, economy-price LP Sakorn KhunPaen PraiGuman, made and blessed by LP Sakorn.
LP Sakorn KhunPaen is a smart way out for smart collectors who would like to have LP Sakorn's good great economy-class KhunPaen.
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LP Sakorn KhunPaen is a smart way out for smart collectors who would like to have LP Sakorn's good great economy-class KhunPaen.
LP Sakorn is a closest disciple of LP Tim, he learned so much incantations from his teacher. LP Sakorn lived with and served LP Tim since he was 15. He was ordained a monk in B.E. 2501, and learned incantations with LP Tim since then. It's in B.E. 2526, nine year after LP Tim passed away, LP Sakorn learned with LP Koon of Wat Banrai on extra incantations for some special amulet creation.
LP Sakorn is a most important successor of LP Tim of Wat Laharnrai. When LP Tim was still alive he had publicly told that after his pass-away LP Sakorn would sit his place.
LP Sakorn is now 70+ years of age and the Abbot of Wat Nongkrub, Rayong Province. LP Sakorn is respected as a greatest Guru monk of eastern region of present days.
LP Sakorn is now 70+ years of age and the Abbot of Wat Nongkrub, Rayong Province. LP Sakorn is respected as a greatest Guru monk of eastern region of present days.
This batch of amulet is blessed by other great master too.
LP Sin, LP Foo, LP Gliang and AJ Somkit also helped to bless this batch of thai amulet kuanpean too.
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Friday, November 25, 2011
Another happy person (Cat and rat thai amulet)
Bro its crazy man i was walking to the station to take the train to work from rotterdam to den haag where i work,i would start at 4,gues what i took the wrong train and that train took me direct to amsterdam airport,lucky for me the train back to den haag had a 20 minute delay so i jumped in and arrived at work at 15,55 on time thats because of the bullet takrut or fire takrut,if the train was not 20 minute delay i would not arive at time for work and maybe fired,second i met a girl in a shopping mall and we changed numbers,and she called and gues what she got horny on the phone and she started verry sex talk and came 2 times you no what i mean,its crazy i have dinner with her thursday or friday in amsterdam because thats the city she lives and thats the city i arrived after catching the wrong train a crazy link maybe of the cat loves rat takrut
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Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Thousand hand guangyin
Luang Phor Pern was born in Nakhon Pathom province on the 12th of August 2466. He studied magic from Luang Phor Dang of Wat ToongKauk Suphan Buri province when he was a Layman. Luang Phor Dang has been a guru monk who has knowledge of Visha and meditation. Luang Phor Pern wanted to study magic charms for protecting himself from the dangerous elements of the region. He was a soldier at the age of 21-22. After finish, Luang Phor Pern commenced studies spiritual tattoos or Yant composition from Luang Phor Huem of Wat Bang Phra who was a teacher in Buddha Magic and Sorcery.
Luang Phor Pern was ordained at the age of 25 at Wat Bang Phra more than 4 year, until Luang Phor Huem passed away. He has been an expert of concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way. After that, he went to LP Opasi temple for building up knowledge of Visha and Buddhism way, about 1 year.
At the age of 26 Luang Phor Pern would become ordained as a Monk. He was ordained by Phra Ajaan Huem, who was also his teacher in Buddha Magic and Sorcery. Luang Phor Pern was a Disciple of "Agkara Khorm" , and a student of yant composition and application. His yant were renowned for the power that they carried. Luang Phor Pern studied vipassana meditation with utmost dedication for many years. He became a disciple of Luang Phor Opassi who was one of the greatest monks of the time, known for his white magic power. After this, Luang Phor Pern went "Tudong" (Pilgrimage) in the jungle of Kanchanaburi which was known as being the thickest darkest jungle full of dangerous animals and evil spirits. It was said that when Luang Phor Pern was in the jungle, he was protected by a huge fearsome tiger which always accompanying him. Since then, the tiger became the protective symbol of Luang Phor Pern.
Luang Phor Pern was ordained at the age of 25 at Wat Bang Phra more than 4 year, until Luang Phor Huem passed away. He has been an expert of concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way. After that, he went to LP Opasi temple for building up knowledge of Visha and Buddhism way, about 1 year.
At the age of 26 Luang Phor Pern would become ordained as a Monk. He was ordained by Phra Ajaan Huem, who was also his teacher in Buddha Magic and Sorcery. Luang Phor Pern was a Disciple of "Agkara Khorm" , and a student of yant composition and application. His yant were renowned for the power that they carried. Luang Phor Pern studied vipassana meditation with utmost dedication for many years. He became a disciple of Luang Phor Opassi who was one of the greatest monks of the time, known for his white magic power. After this, Luang Phor Pern went "Tudong" (Pilgrimage) in the jungle of Kanchanaburi which was known as being the thickest darkest jungle full of dangerous animals and evil spirits. It was said that when Luang Phor Pern was in the jungle, he was protected by a huge fearsome tiger which always accompanying him. Since then, the tiger became the protective symbol of Luang Phor Pern.
Luang Phor Pern seemed to be loved and respected wherever he travelled, due to the fact that he possessed such a transparent personality that allowed all to see his great compassion and his power to help folk with his magic. Luang Phor Pern later became the Abbot of Wat Koeg Khaemao in Nakorn Pathom, which at that time was not only in a bad state of repair but was also in an area that was inaccessible, being thickly forested. He developed and repaired the temple gaining the love and respect of the local people. His very first amulets were consecrated at Wat Koeg Khaemao. It was from the donations received in return for those amulets which were consecrated by him that he was able to renovate the temple. After many years at Wat Koeg Khaemao he was invited to become Abbot of Wat Bang Phra where he became better known for spiritual tattoos or yant especially the tattoo festival in the month of March. Luang Phor Pern passed away in BE2545 at the age of 79. His temple Wat Bang Phra was known for its protection tattoos.
This thousand hands guangyin thai amulet is bless by very well respect Lp pern.
The thousand hands of this bodhisattva represent Guan Yin's many abilities to render assistance. There are a thousand eyes on these hands which give Guan Yin great powers to observe the world. Guan Yin also has many faces so she can become who people need her to be, not necessarily herself, because her help is given in a way that is literally selfless.
Guan Yin is the bodhisattva of compassion, revered by Buddhists as the Goddess of Mercy. Her name is short for Guan Shi Yin. Guan means to observe, watch, or monitor; Shi means the world; Yin means sounds, specifically sounds of those who suffer. Thus, Guan Yin is a compassionate being who watches for, and responds to, the people in the world who cry out for help.
Bodhi means wisdom or enlightenment; sattva means being or essence. Put the two together and you get bodhisattva, a being who is enlightened and ready to transcend the cycles of birth and death, but chooses to return to the material world in order to help other people reach the same level of enlightenment. This is the ultimate demonstration of pure compassion.
The great saying of this great Guangyin:
It is said the the personification of perfect Compassion, Avalokiteshvara (Guanyin) Bodhisattva (a great being who aspires to help all sentient beings be free of suffering before entering the bliss of Buddhahood), in the beginning of His/Her Bodhisattva career of helping sentient beings, vowed that "Should He ever become disheartened in saving sentient beings, may His body shatter into a thousand pieces." This might seem extreme, but it was symbolic of His overwhelming great Compassion and determination.
One day, while helping beings in a higher realm, He looked down into the hells which He had emptied through the teaching of the Dharma, and realised, to His dismay, that countless beings were still flooding into them. In a moment of exasperation, He became so disheartened that true to His vow, His body shattered in great agitation and despair. Despite this, He did not just give up — His consciousness beseeched the Buddhas for help. Of the Buddhas who came to aid Him, one was Amitabha Buddha, who became His Guru (personal teacher) Buddha. With the Buddha's miraculous powers, He attained a new form — one with a thousand helping hands of Compassion coupled with the eyes of Wisdom in each palm. With this, He renewed His vow to saving not just limited sentient beings, but all sentient beings.
Good for wealth fetching and want smooth wealth life.
Behind got 2 dragons which will bring the person enjoying vigorous and healthy growth.
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Bodhi means wisdom or enlightenment; sattva means being or essence. Put the two together and you get bodhisattva, a being who is enlightened and ready to transcend the cycles of birth and death, but chooses to return to the material world in order to help other people reach the same level of enlightenment. This is the ultimate demonstration of pure compassion.
The great saying of this great Guangyin:
It is said the the personification of perfect Compassion, Avalokiteshvara (Guanyin) Bodhisattva (a great being who aspires to help all sentient beings be free of suffering before entering the bliss of Buddhahood), in the beginning of His/Her Bodhisattva career of helping sentient beings, vowed that "Should He ever become disheartened in saving sentient beings, may His body shatter into a thousand pieces." This might seem extreme, but it was symbolic of His overwhelming great Compassion and determination.
One day, while helping beings in a higher realm, He looked down into the hells which He had emptied through the teaching of the Dharma, and realised, to His dismay, that countless beings were still flooding into them. In a moment of exasperation, He became so disheartened that true to His vow, His body shattered in great agitation and despair. Despite this, He did not just give up — His consciousness beseeched the Buddhas for help. Of the Buddhas who came to aid Him, one was Amitabha Buddha, who became His Guru (personal teacher) Buddha. With the Buddha's miraculous powers, He attained a new form — one with a thousand helping hands of Compassion coupled with the eyes of Wisdom in each palm. With this, He renewed His vow to saving not just limited sentient beings, but all sentient beings.
need a guidance in life
need protection amulet
for childern to wear
for woman to wear
Need some higher power to listen to your suffering
need some higher god to help you for you suffering
want great fortune
want to gain good karma
Good for wealth fetching and want smooth wealth life.
Behind got 2 dragons which will bring the person enjoying vigorous and healthy growth.
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Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Another Happy Person (fire tiger thai amulet)
hey, just want to give u some feedback about the takrut... don't know why the takrut become more brown
at the first day, the tiger fur was white.. and now it has become more brown and brown... any problem with it??
and the takrut let my life smoother abit these few days... haha... even more girls easily communicate with me recently.. thx!
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Monday, November 21, 2011
Another Happy person
Yo Nayan,last Thursday I wear the KP coyote go school,then I went to lab session.Then duno why my usual partner he go group with another guy.And I was thinking nvm lo...I do the lab alone.But after that a girl came and do the lab together with me as she is also alone.And this is the first time we talked after school starts.Another new friend in class.Haha..maybe is the KP power.
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Sunday, November 20, 2011
Everyone can wear Bangle thai Zodiac thai bangle
material: mix from 9 temples old material melt to make.
Why mix?
the master want to make use of the power of that 9 temple to enhance the power.The power is the same as a person wearing 9 amulets of each this 9 temple.
All 9 temples power combine into 1.
Behind the thai Zodiac bangle contain mantra which draw energy from the gods and devas to bring good luck and wealth for the wearer.
Who to wear: the master say guy to wear on left, gals to wear on right. Anyone or everyone should wear because inside contain every Zodiac sign energy which will be suitable for everyone and most importantly, draw energy from other Zodiac to help you.
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Saturday, November 19, 2011
Another Happy Person (free harm from spirit)
Bro actually the long takrut also protect againt spirit loh last night I experience it liao...
U know my company la...last night saw 1 white shadow confirm is lady at car park when I came out from the building n suddenly fly so fast n disappear...
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Friday, November 18, 2011
One of the best protection mantra ever
Diamond is the hardest known natural material on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, where hardness is defined as resistance to scratching and is graded between 1 (softest) and 10 (hardest). Diamond has a hardness of 10 (hardest) on this scale.
Not easy to break through it, and its cuts other softer stones.
There are many powerful mantra and 1 particular powerful mantra is name after this hard diamond:
Yan Kopetch ,The Diamond Shield mantra.
It is believe that if anyone has this Yan Kopetch with him, he will be free from all danger! And all enemy cant destroy or hurt or kill him!!!!
And if any enemy want to attack the person, by the strange powerful power of this mantra, the attacker or enemy will be destroy!
if you are looking for a very powerful thai amulet, look no futher.
Out of so many ,mantras, only this mantra is given the name Diamond shield mantra.
Because this yankopetch protection amulet can really shield you from any danger and unlucky events!
This Diamond shield mantra is empower by 108 high powerful masters 3years ago.
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Thursday, November 17, 2011
Another happy person
Hi Nayan,
Thanx for recommending me this phra khun pean thai amulet. It had helped me alot.. Everything had been very smooth since I had him.. Metta very good, I can sense alot of ladies staring at me.. I even have guest compliment me CUTE!!! Haha..
Once again, u had introduce me the rite amulet!! Thank you very much..
Thanks & Best Regards,
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Tuesday, November 15, 2011
One of the two greatest and most well blessed in Thailand's amulet creation history is 25 Buddha Sattawas Leela amulets made in B.E.2500 in the memory of 2500 years of Buddhism for rasing fund to Build the Buddha Monthon. The amulets were created on that auspicious occasion by the support and sponsor of the governent. Due to their important nature, The production process and consecration ceremony were conducted at Wat Suthat, an important temple in Thailand.. All primary materials for making amulets were blessing continually three days, starting from February 9-11, B.E.2500 by 108 Great masters.. After the amulets finished, they were blessed continually for another three more days from May 2-5, B.E.2500. Here is the list of some of 108 Great Gurus who conducted the great blessing, many of them are the Gurus who had blessed the Buddha Chinnaraj Indochine 2485: 1. LP Nak, Wat Rakang 2. LP Chong, Wat NaTangNok 3. LP Ngern, Wat Don YaiHom 4. LP Tae KongThong, Wat SamGnam 5. LP Plian, Wat Tai 6. LP Chaeng, Wat Bangpang 7. LP Lee, Wat Asokaram 8. LP Klaai, Wat SuanKhan 9. LP Tzai, Wat Sadej 10. LP Hiang, Wat PaaAranYikawas 11. LP Pae, Wat PikulThong 12. LP Roong, Wat ThaKrabue 13. LP Hom, Wat ChakMAK 14. LP Aant, Wat PhraYatiKaram 15. LP Lek, Wat BangNomkho 16. LP ThongSook, Wat TanodLuang 17. LP Nai, Wat BanChaeng 18. LP Thian, Wat Bosth 19. LP Sie, Wat Sakae 20. LP Thop, Wat ChonDaen 21. LP Toh, Wat Pradoo ChimPlee 22. LP Chan, Wat Klong Ranong 23. LP Nor, Wat KlangTharua 24. LP PhraKru ArkomSunthorn(Maa) 25. Phra Achran Saa, WatrajNadda 26. Phra Kru VinaiThorn(Fuang) Wat Sam Phanthawongse 27. LP Pak, Wat Bung ThongLang 28. Chao Khun Chia, Wat Phrachetuphon 29. Phra IndraSmacharn, Wat Indraviharn 30. Chao Khun Phol, Wat Nang 31. LP Puak, Wat Moli 32. LP Thaen, Wat Dhammasaen 33. LP Butra, Wat Mai BangPlakod 34. LP Thira Wat Pah Lelai 35. LP Hom, Wat ChakMak 36. LP Sie, Wat Sakae etc... Good for great fortune, give wealth, give calmness, give happiness. Contact: Home Page Comment |
Another Happy Person
Okies,feedback time.Haha,yesterday when I was bathing with the takrut on,I suddenly heard watssap sound.Then I go check my phone,really my friend watssap me,telling me he is on his way coming to fetch me.Haha.
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Monday, November 14, 2011
Buddha Relics somdej
Phra Somdej thai amulet With Buddha relics in front.
Good for blessing, great fortune.
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Sunday, November 13, 2011
Lord Kali Thai amulet ( restock)
Hi bro,
My friend feedback on Lord Kali thai amulet he said that at the very first few days when he chant he feel the energy in the amulet. Also mention that now more girls look at him.
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Saturday, November 12, 2011
Aj meng Kuanpean
Aj meng kuanpean thai amulet
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Another Happy person fire tiger amulet
Nayan your stuff is mindblowing the fire takrut gives me a power rush,master cum is a superman,nayan i had a little indonesian semar keris and a muslim taliaman i have let every thing caged in a big silver locket. With your takruts i hope its ok they wont fight or have effect on power right ???,and one lung phu garlong locket with his hair en relic as wel,i like lung phu garlong i believe he is verry strong do you no him,and his hair and relic is that also powerfull ? And my boss wo made my life horrible at work guess no she is leaving the job maybe the power of your bullet takrut and fire tiger kicked her out haha,
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Friday, November 11, 2011
Lp Fak Palakit Wat NikhonPhrajasang
Blessed by the most highly aclaimed monk for Palad Khik in southern Thailand, Luang Phor Fak.
Palad Khik is an auspicious talisman often mistaken for an obscene object. In fact it has been widely used by the Thai People for protection, enhancement of business, harmonious relationships, and most importantly, for warding off evil spirits or ghosts.
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Thursday, November 10, 2011
Another Happy Person ( Cat and rat amulet)
Hi Nayan, after I wore the thai amulet, my ex finally replied my text! usually when I text him, he won't reply me, but now finally he reply me! 谢谢你!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Phra Phom 4 face buddha
How to pray to phra phom:
Om pra prom ma pa ti pa ha ya thu ti yum pi…..
pra prom ma pa ti pha ha ya ta ti yum pi…...
pra prom ma pa ti pha ha ya
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picture look the same like other seller tiger skin
Question: Yours fire tiger look normal to me. look like other seller is selling.
Answer: we can always go look for master together. There is always a way to prove.
Anyway, you mean you can look using naked eye? or you got supernature power? If yes, think is not working well because this amulet is from different master, thus, the power will not be the same.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Question on fire tiger amulet thai amulet
Qn: hey nayan,
something to ask u about... since now is rabbit year and last year is tiger year~i saw lots of testimonials in your blog about the fire tiger amulet ,and all of them says is good and have positive feedback , but the problem is all of them was ay last year...
so beacause of last year is tiger year, maybe the fire tiger amulet will stronger
but now its already rabbit year, will the power of fire tiger amulet will weaker or not stronger like last year??
Answer: There is no link of fire tiger amulet with any astrology. This fire tiger amulet is being practise by master more than 10 years in Thailand and more than a few decades by master cum masters! There is no limit to any person like which person born with which animal sign cant use or person born in tiger use will be the best! This fire tiger thai amulet work well on anyone. I has never ask any seller which year they are born or which animal they are born in order to introduce them this fire tiger amulet. So far, from the feedbacks of the buyers, it shows that it works on any person regardless on their astrology.
You can read more on the energy charging into the fire tiger amulet charm in the link below:
something to ask u about... since now is rabbit year and last year is tiger year~i saw lots of testimonials in your blog about the fire tiger amulet ,and all of them says is good and have positive feedback , but the problem is all of them was ay last year...
so beacause of last year is tiger year, maybe the fire tiger amulet will stronger
but now its already rabbit year, will the power of fire tiger amulet will weaker or not stronger like last year??
Answer: There is no link of fire tiger amulet with any astrology. This fire tiger amulet is being practise by master more than 10 years in Thailand and more than a few decades by master cum masters! There is no limit to any person like which person born with which animal sign cant use or person born in tiger use will be the best! This fire tiger thai amulet work well on anyone. I has never ask any seller which year they are born or which animal they are born in order to introduce them this fire tiger amulet. So far, from the feedbacks of the buyers, it shows that it works on any person regardless on their astrology.
You can read more on the energy charging into the fire tiger amulet charm in the link below:
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Sunday, November 6, 2011
Another Happy person
Have I told you before my mum have open a shop .That you takrut with gun bullet have help my mum very well with her sale and your cat and rat cream too.
they make a very power force to bring in more sale in the shop that is very good Nayan Contact:
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Friday, November 4, 2011
Prevent the escape of your lover
This spirit thai amuletis to help the devotes to use on their lovers to make them come back or to prevent them from change of heart or to make them love you more.The spirit act as a love spell.
You can invoke the power of love spells in numerous unfavorable situations related to the matters of the heart,
such as:
1) Keep your partner faithful
2) Truth love spell
3) Love spell to get lover back
4) Spell to remove marriage problem
5) Stop A separation or Divorce
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Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Wealth boat
Wealth Boat thai amulet.
For bring in wealth for wearer, make the life of the wearer a smooth sailing.
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Let me pass my audition
We has help a buyer to pass help job audit successfully. Life has been stress, lets us help you to make life easier. [03/05, 15:32] Happy Bu...

One of the most powerful mantra ever exist in this universal. This mantra bring great powerful protection, great fortune and great luck!!! C...
one of the highest ranking monk in thailand (somedej)and me It has been years since I start collecting Thai amulets. I has meet a lot of fr...
One of the most powerful master for making this thai amulet palakit (penis god)this period, lp yit. lp Yit has proven ...