Thursday, March 29, 2012
Phra nang Kwak
Mae Nang Kwak is represented as a beautiful woman wearing a red dress (not always, but more often than other colors) fashioned in the Thai and sometimes Laotian traditional style. She also wears a golden crown on her head and is in the sitting or kneeling position. Her right hand is raised in the Thai way of beckoning a customer, with the palm of the hand pointing downwards. Her left hand is resting on her side or holds a bag full of gold on her lap.
The position of her hand in present-day iconography is quite likely borrowed from the Japanese Maneki Neko beckoning cat.
Mae Nang Kwak is a benevolent spirit. She is deemed to bring luck, especially in the form of money, to the household.She is the patron Deity of all Merchants and Salesmen and can be seen in almost every business establishment in Thailand[3]
Thai people also wear amulets with her figure around the neck, which is a logical development, due to the fact that many people in Thailand must travel around to sell their wares, which makes a portable nang Kwak thai amulet the obvious choice for such a person.
For wealth
For business
For good luck
For bring in wealth
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Tuesday, March 27, 2012
free from debt, free from illness, free for trouble
Mercury, as the semen of Lord Shiva, is the physical embodiment of the fire of transformation (tejas). To contain or blind mecury is very difficult. A shivalingam make of mercury is also known as Ras shivalingam. And if it is correctly prepared and consecrated, it can prove most auspicious for the person.
He who worships Mercury Shivling devotedly, whether one is male or female, Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra gets full worldly pleasures, and at last attains supreme destination (salvation). During life-span they get glory, honour, high office, name and fame, sons, grandsons and perfection in learning. At last they get salvation.
The virtue got by seeing the Twelve Jyotirlingas is received only by looking at the Parad Shivling. The chance to look at it is possible only when the worshipper’s virtues of previous births come to light. By worshipping the Parad Shivling, the worshipper gets the fruits which are attained only by worshipping Shivalingas which are situated in three Lokas (cosmic worlds).
Wherever parad shivling is established disease and illness have no place there. There will be no debts or monetary problem in their loves.
There are four goals in human life - religion, health, desires and salvation. These can be fulfilled by worshiping the Mercury Shivling and the worshiper of Lord Shiva gets cores of Virtues.
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Sunday, March 25, 2012
Magical Knife Mitmor
Thai magic, Magical knife mitmor by lp chon, wat kang kuanpaen. He is the top disciple of metta master lp sawai.
For protection and cast away spirit.
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Friday, March 23, 2012
Holy Blood somdej
This Phra Somdej is fromfrom LP Pae of Wat Pikunthong, Singburi.Front is embedded with semi precious stones and LP Pae's blood. Behind there is his worn robe, hairs and takrut.
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Thursday, March 22, 2012
4 face buddha and Lord Ganesha Amulet
This amulet in front is phra phom.
Behind is lord Ganesha.
Brahmana is an early Hindu religion dating back some 5,000 years. This religion is mainly symbolised by a trinity of Gods, namely; Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver and Shiva the destroyer. It is believed that this Brahmanical triad combined their powers to create the Buddhist world.
One of the earliest iconographic descriptions of Brahma is that of the four-faced god seated on a lotus. In Thai Buddhism this Brahminist 4-faced god is known as "Phrom Sie Nah ", but it often referred to by others as the 4 faced Buddha.
The description of Brahma like other deities of Hinduism bears a mystic symbolism. The lotus represents the Reality. Brahma sitting on the lotus indicates that he is ever-rooted in the infinite Reality. Reality is the foundation on which his personality rests. The four faces of Brahma represent the four Vedas. They also symbolise the functioning of the inner personality (antahkarana) which consists of thoughts. They are the mind (manas), the intellect (buddhi), ego (ahamkara) and conditioned-consciousness (chitta). They represent the four ways in which thoughts function. They are the manifestations of the unmanifest ConsciousnessThe significance of the 4 faced God from the Thai perspective is that the Great Brahma is able offer help to the people who cry to him from all directions, granting wishes to those who ask. It is widely thought that Phra Phrom offers protection from danger and prosperity in business.
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Sunday, March 18, 2012
Holy cave Phra Somdej
This Phra somdej thai amulet is bless by a forest mediation master who get the material from a very high power thousand years cave.
He told me that inside this cave, there are many many masters and people who came here to mediate to receive the high energy power from the cave. Some, even attaining to some mediation level, they decided to stay in the cave forever and even die inside the cave. Thus, some of the rocks or stone are form by the water drops in the cave or some even are bones or ashes of these practitioners.
The master told me that the every part of that holy stones itself contain very high energy and even without any blessing, it itself radiate high power. He say, by using it to make into amulet, no doubt, the amulet will be powerful!
This phra somdej, perhaps is the most 1 of the high power amulet in the world, and the single most important amulet you must wear!
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Thursday, March 15, 2012
Chu Chop thai amulet
Chu chop thai amulet.
Famous for granting unexpected wealth and bring many attraction to the wearer. Encased with charming oil.
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Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Phra ult pa ku
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Saturday, March 10, 2012
Lp Thuad Thai amulet
Luang Phor Thuad was born in B.E 2125 (1582) in Suan Chan Village, Chumphol Dustrict, Sathing Phra in Songkla (Southern Thailand).
When Luang Phor Thuad was less than 6 months old, he was placed in a towel under a shady tree near the padi field while his mother was working.At noon she ceased work for a time in order to breast-feed him. As she walked towards the baby, she saw a huge python twine round him.She alarmed for help. The neighbors quickly gathered knives, axes and clubs and came round. The python was stern and motionless. The people around did not know what to do. No one dared to start the attack and suddenly,his mother gets an idea. With the old belief that this snake might be the god created vision. She quickly plucked seven wild flowers of different colours, put then on a leaf which served as a plate, knelt down, closed her eyes, and prayed earnestly.The python spit out a crystal ball on the baby’s chest and left out soon. It was a brilliant crystal ball.Many people gathered round to have a look at it. His mother then kept the gem and brought him home.
A rich man offered a very good price for the crystal ball, but his mother did not wish to sell it. The rich man forced her.At last she presented it to him. The rich man was happy but for only a while. Within three days, all members in his family fell ill. He consulted a medium and was told that he had kept something which did not belong to him by right. Only the baby boy could own it.The rich man was frightened and returned the crystal ball to the baby’s mother. Within 3 months, money poured in like water. His parents became very rich. The neighbors were jealous. They stole the crystal ball. They were chased by the python till they threw it into a pit.Later a deity revealed the whereabouts of the crystal ball to his parents in their dreams, thus the precious crystal ball was recovered. His parents became more devoted to the Buddha.They generously helped the poor, made offerings to the Sangha (Monk) and built temples.
Luang Phor Thuad began to learn about the Buddhist teaching in a temple nearby at the age of 5 years old. Rather talented as he was, he mastered all subjects his teacher could guide him within a year. He went to other temples over the hill and across the jungle to acquire further teaching every day. He became a monk at the age of 12 years old and devoted a full time study in the Dharma. His father passed away at the age of 72 years old when he was 30 years old. In order to further the studies in Buddhism, he left his mother and went to other province.
From the present location, Wat Pakok, Luang Phor Thuad took a boat sailing northward to Ayuthaya province (former capital of Thailand). After sailing for half a day, the boat met with great storms. The boat was jolted and the passengers were frightened. The boat did not arrive at its destination after drifting for several days. The store of drinking water ran short. The boatmen gathered that their previous voyages had all been very smooth.The catastrophe might have been caused by the presence of the monks.They planned to push him into the sea. He could sense their intention. He consoled them that they needed not worry about drinking water as there was plentiful around. He stretched his leg out of the boat, the storm was pacified. With his leg, he drew a circle on the sea and told the boatmen to draw water within the circle for drinking.
The boatmen were angry at first as they did not believe that the sea water could be used for drinking. After his assurance they made a try and found that it was actually drinkable. One purposely tasted the water outside the circle and shouted that it was salty.The boatmen were amazed and did not take further steps to harm Luang Phor Thuad.
On the next day, the boat arrived at the Ayuthaya province.Luang Phor Thuad walked for a few miles and was happy to see a stately temple in front of him.The monks in the temple refused to accept him as he was poorly clad. He turned to an old temple not very far away. The old keeper welcomed him and offered him board and lodging. He stayed there to study the scripture, to pay homage to the Buddha and to practiced meditation for half a year.
The ruler of a neighbour country, sent seven monks to Ayuthaya province to test the achievements of the monks in Thailand. They brought with them 12 bowls containing 84,000 words. These words were to be arranged into a certain sutra within 1 week. If the task was accomplished, King will prepare to present Thailand with seven boats made of gold. Should the task be a failure, Thailand should surrender their sovereignty to their country. The Thai King gathered all well-known learned monks to tackle the problem. Many tried but were not successful.
Announcement was made by the court to look for someone capable of dealing with the task. On the fourth night the King dreamed of a white elephant trumpeting in dazzling light. He consulted a fortune-teller and was told that it was a good sign as a sage was likely to appear to solve the problem. The King was uncertain. On the sixth day, Luang Phor Thuad left the temple in the morning to beg for food. He arrived at a rich man’s house. The people were discussing about that very serious topic. They saw him holding a bowl standing in front of their doors. The host reverently offered him food. He sensed that the monk in front was rather extraordinary in appearance. He paid Luang Phor Thuat due respect and told the latter that their country reputed for their Buddhist studies would be put to shame if no one could meet the challenge put forward by the neighbouring land and asked whether the latter could help in that matter. Luang Phor Thuad replied that he would try. The host was very happy. He intended to invite Luang Phor Thuat to see the King immediately. Luang Phor Thuad told him not to be hurry and would go the next morning.
After Luang Phor Thuad had left, the host broke the news to the King. On the next morning, the King sent a special carriage to bring Luang Phor Thuad to the palace. On arrival he was escorted by the officials to the entrance. The steps with loud noises as Luang Phor Thuat walked on them barefooted. The King and the officials were all very quiet. About half an hour later the monks from the neighbouring country came in. After exchanging greetings, Luang Phor Thuad began to arrange the words. 12 bowls of words were poured on the table. He closed his eyes and arranged them with both hands. About a quarter of an hour later, he announced that 5 words were missing.
Those 7 monks remained in silence. He then warned that anyone did not quickly take out those missing words would die of cracking skull. The culprit was frightened and took out those missing words. With his eyes closed Luang Phor Thuad exercised the supernature power to arrange the words. The sutra was completed in a little while. Seeing that Thailand was invincible, those seven monks presented those 7 boats made of gold and left.Thus Luang Phor Thuad’s name was well-known throughout the country. He was looked upon as a saintly Buddhist monk in Thai history.
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Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Another Happy Person (fire tiger amulet)
Btw, fire tiger ,if wish for good attraction also very good. Never wish, is general metta only.
And I put fire tiger with hpy in same pocket today
Today the girls msg me, why I never talk to them today
Like so quiet
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Monday, March 5, 2012
Lp Rod Phra somedj
Monk: Lp Rod
Provenience: Pisalolo
material: Elephant trunk ( excellent for protection, against spirit, against black magic)
Master skill: Disciple of Great master Lp doem
That time, lp rod was a young monk and he was learning under the skill of lp doem.
Lp rod was helping him preparing the patyant( mantra cloth). Then a devotes came and request a amulet from Lp doem. Master say, go over there and get a patyant from there. The devote went over and request LP doem to bless again. Lp doem say it is not necessary as the young monk has master skill of making magical items from him and the power level is already very good. (extract from Lp Rod reference book in temple)
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Sunday, March 4, 2012
King Cobra snake takrut
King Cobra snake takrut thai amulet.
For escape danger, fetch wealth and metta.
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Saturday, March 3, 2012
Another Happy Person ( Life improvement)
Bro after that night I get the 1 eye coconut phra rahu n phra ya te gua metta god...the next day I went for interview....when I reach the guard house they r people to guide me to exchange passes n map was given. After I reaching the office so funny somebody calling me...WALAN it was my ex manager n he bring me to H.R. n meet with the personnel...they just too friendly n helpful till 2 operation manager meet that moment I don't feel panic at all...just feel very relax n really talk like water with them n they also start to joke with me n accept my job application...thanks bro...what u say is true...metta is really important to everybody...
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Thursday, March 1, 2012
Catch the demon and catch the wealth thai amulet
Thai amulet phra wetsuluan is for catch ghost, prevent spirit attack, prevent back stabber and belief to help the wearer to catch wealth for them.
Many wealth amulet master encourage people to worship to him for wealth luck.
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one of the highest ranking monk in thailand (somedej)and me It has been years since I start collecting Thai amulets. I has meet a lot of fr...
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