Monday, March 31, 2008
This is the beginning of a new day.
I have been give this day to use as I will.
I can waste it or use it for good.
What I do today is very important
because I'm exchanging a day of my life for it.
When tomorrow comes,
today will be gone forever,
leaving in its place whatever I have traded for it.
I pledge to myself that it shall be gain, not loss;
good, not evil; success, not failure.
In order that I shall not regret the price I paid for this day.
Author - unknown
Sunday, March 30, 2008
would you buy a buddha statue for $14.3????
some people will think it is crazy, some people will think it is not...
Look at the article below:
Smiles were all around when Christie's recently sold a Japanese Buddha statue for $14.3 million, a price nearly 10 times the original estimate and a new world record for Japanese art sold at auction. The buyer was Shinnyo-en Temple, located in the suburbs of Tokyo.
This Buddha statue, created in the 12th century by Japanese sculptor
Unkei was auctioned for US$ 14.3 million
According to reports, the Buddhist temple's primary motivation was to keep the statue out of foreign hands. Said one auction insider of the selling price, "Buddha himself [would] have been surprised by this."
The statue, created in the 12th century and attributed to the Japanese sculptor Unkei, is a recent discovery, and scholars are only now beginning to trace its long history. During the 19th century, it is thought to have been owned by another Buddhist temple, but it mysteriously disappeared when the Japanese government enforced a widespread anti-Buddhist movement in a bid to unite Japan under its native religion, Shinto.
The full story is incomplete, but it is believed the Buddha statue eventually found its way to a Japanese antique shop where a buyer picked it up for an undisclosed sum. Suspecting that it was hollow inside because of its unusually light weight, the astute buyer had the piece X-rayed by the Tokyo National Museum. In the belly of the Buddha, three ceremonial objects were discovered. They had been sealed inside the torso for over 800 years.
Unkei was one of the great carvers of the early Kamakura period. Made of cyprus wood, the Buddha sits in a lotus position, with hair pulled up into a tight chignon, and wears royal dress and jewelry. The deity forms a distinctive hand gesture known as the "knowledge fist," one of many Buddhist ritual poses or "mudras." Buddhas carved during the early Kamakura period are considered among the finest Buddhist art in existence.Artfact Analysis
Like many countries, Japan is fiercely protective of its artistic assets and has designated 12 works made or believed to have been made by Unkei as national treasures. The Christie's piece was not on the list and therefore eligible for exportation. Before the auction, there was reportedly a petition campaign in Japan to keep the piece at home out of fear that it would lead to an outflow of other national treasures.
The campaign was apparently unsuccessful, but there was enough press on the subject to stir supporters into raising money to bid at Christie's. Had the Buddhist temple not stepped up to buy the piece, it would have gone to the under-bidder, an American collector.
The record price "is a testament to the extreme importance and beauty of this supreme Buddha, and elevates Japanese art to a new record level," said Katsura Yamaguchi, Christie's director of Japanese and Korean Art.
It is very unusual for a piece of this importance to suddenly resurface on the market. The previous record for a Japanese work of art was $1.76 million for a Rakuchu Rakugai screen, sold at Christie's in 1990. Over the past few years, sales of Asian art in New York have led to nice returns for the auction houses, with Sotheby's and Christie's selling $129.4 million worth of Asian art last year, up from $97.9 million in 2006.
To put this $14 million price into perspective, Sotheby's recently sold a tiny, ancient Mesopotamian sculpture for $57 million, setting a record for any sculpture or antiquity at auction.
What: Wood sculpture of Dainichi Nyorai
Kamakura Period, Attributed to Unkei (died 1223)
26 inches high
Where: Christie's New York
Japanese and Korean Art
March 18, 2008
How Much: Pre-Sale Estimate: $1.5 million to $2 million
Final Selling Price: $14, 377,000
EBAY STORE:, March 27, 2008
House make of skull????
I has came by a very interesting article.
The grounds of the 260-year-old Hua Krabeu temple on the outskirts of Bangkok look like a place where water buffalo go to die.
Beneath simple tarmac shelters, thousands of water buffalo skulls are stacked in piles that tower over two metres (six feet) high, a grim homage to an animal that was once an iconic part of Thailand's landscape.
The abbot of the Buddhist temple, Phra Khru Wiboonpattankit, has been collecting the skulls for more than 35 years. He hopes eventually to have enough to build a three-storey tower that will house a memorial to the beast.
nside the mountain of skulls, which he says will stand at the end of a path also decorated with buffalo heads, will be a cave housing an image of the Buddha.
When the abbot first moved to the temple 35 years ago, he found villagers had left 10 skulls at the grounds in remembrance of their dead buffalo.
As he developed the idea for his memorial, he began encouraging other villagers to donate skulls when their buffalo died. He slowly amassed a collection of 1,000 skulls, which was nowhere near enough to build his shrine.
So he a few years ago he began asking for cash donations to buy skulls from slaughterhouses.
He now has 8,000, including one prized piece whose head and horns are perfectly symmetrical and undamaged, which cost him 3,500 baht (about 100 dollars).
Although Thais relied for centuries on water buffalo to plow their rice paddies, provide transportation and even defend villages during war, now the animals are falling from favour.
Over the past decade, farming has become mechanised, reducing the need for the animals' labour. In many rural areas, water buffalo are now prized as a delicacy more than a beast of burden.
"Kwai," the Thai word for water buffalo, is synonymous with "stupid," and for many people it is a reminder of a not-too-distant, less developed past in a country that has modernised rapidly.
The abbot however sees things differently.
"These animals have proven to be useful from the day they are born until after they die. People who do not contribute to the society they live in should not be ashamed of the buffaloes," the 62-year-old monk told AFP.
As he walks past his collection of skulls, he says he wants them to remind people that the animals are slowly disappearing from Thailand.
The kingdom has about 1.3 million buffaloes, down from 4.7 million in 1990, according to Ancharlie na Chiang Mai, a senior researcher at the government's livestock department.
The number continues to drop because about 300,000 buffaloes are slaughtered each year for meat while only about 200,000 calves are born annually, she said.
The changes in Thailand are visible around the temple, whose name translates as "Temple of Buffalo Heads".
When Wiboonpattankit first arrived here 35 years ago, the temple was surrounded by rice paddies worked by buffalo.
Now the city has grown up around it, and there are more stores and cars than fields and animals.
The abbot has a penchant for collecting. He was investigated by Thailand's main Buddhist group for assembling a collection of more than 60 antique Mercedes Benz cars, which critics said violated his vows of poverty.
He said the cars had been donated so that the temple could run a training programme for young mechanics. Investigators believed him and his name was cleared.
His stash of skulls is still not enough to achieve his dream of using them to build a shrine to the buffalo, but he says the donations that he uses to buy in skulls is helping.
"They come in a pick-up truck," he said. "A pick-up carries about 30 to 40 heads at a time. A truckload costs about 10,000 baht (3,000 dollars)."
"I think I have the world's biggest collection of buffalo skulls," he said.
He still needs enormous contributions to finance the construction, but hopes that once it's complete, the shrine to buffalo will provoke some self-examination among visitors.
"Life is not meaningful if you do not make yourself useful to society," he said. "Don't be someone who others would be happy to see die."
Thursday, March 20, 2008
White Magic
White magic & Good spells is the use of Positive energies and Gifted supernatural powers by some Good and Holy people to help other's life and future that is already ruin by Black magic and evil spell. White magic is not dangerous yet it is a good ones that it is able to cured someone by Evil spells and Black magic.
A person who has White magic usually have a different ways of thinking to many things. Anybody can have White magic, it can be a kid, a sweet looking girl or a lady even an old man and those who has White magic not only found in Holy places, he can go anywhere he wants to.
A White magic holders is not rich or poor but just average type of living, they just want to keep it simple and clean to themselves yet they have excellent knowledge bout the religion.
They will only do the good thing with their good deeds and sincere with everything. He has no fear in Ghost and evil spirits because he also has a excellent knowledge bout Paranormal and Ghosts. Some of them is very good in Martial Arts to protect themselves in time of danger. This type of people who don't press their thoughts as the divine truths and only believe in God yet his behavior loves to give a helping hand to the needy ones.
How To Have White Magic
To be bad will be just in one seconds, to be good will take a very long time, it is as the same as Black and White magic, to learn Black magic will only take one day while learning White magic may take one generation. To those who has White magic, they begin doing good deeds since they were young and always trust in Karma and energy and always pray. This type of people they don't expect something in exchange by doing all the good things but to be sincere with everything.
One of the ways to practise white magic and heal people is reiki.
The practiser will sent energy or good thought to heal people.
Having White magic is not the reason that it is a pass on generation or the one who has it is a guardian form above. Some of this White wizard will only help his family member and will only help the suffering ones when it is really urgent, this is because they wanted to keep it themselves and they wanted to be low profile in everything.
The great thing of having White magic is that they are able to get rid of any kind of Dark forces such as Black magic, evil spells, Disturbance of unsettled sprits and many more of Dark forces bad deeds. A cleansing service usually conduct my someone who has very strong in White magic practices and good knowledge in good spells. A real gifted White wizard has everything such as third eye, ESP and many special ability that mighty God give. He will be able to sense where is cold and hot spot, whether the places has evil spirits or clean.
Recommended white magic amulets:

This powerful Kar Sa Tong is specially made by Kruba Noi using one kind of special black wood.
Kruba noi blesssed this takrut with Special ancient mantra, magic incantation with intended deep meditation for 7 days.
This Takrut Kar Sa tong is well-known for it's great protection, prevent black magic prevent danger and against all bad negative energy.
Some miracles of Takrut Kar Sar tong, extracted from the newspaper and internet news reports.
But it was broken. A doctor tried many times but he can’t complete this process.
Mr.Thongkam recalled that he saw that he hanged takrut Kar sa tong of Kruba Noi. Then, he took it off. After that a doctor could put hypodermic syringe into his stomach.
Mr.Thongkam believed that this takrut is so powerful.
Source : KhaoSod newspaper 2 September 2007
Escape from bullets
One miracle about takrut kar sa tong happened on 19 September 2007.
Mr.Tavorn NaJak was 59 years old who was a member of SaiNoi Local Administration. He lived in Phrae province. He was shot by criminal. A criminal used a short gun shoot 5 times to him. A bullet shaved his head. His hair slipped off disarranged. But he was not wounded from this event.
He reveled that he got this takrut kar sa tong in B.E.2532. He hanged this takrut all the time.
He believed that this was the blessing of takrut kar sa tong of Kruba Noi. After that, he met Kruba Noi immediately. He mentioned this miralces event to kruba noi, which he then chanted mantra and blow at his head.
Escape from Accident
This accident happen to one of my friend Mr Roy Sim. He was wearing Kruba noi kar sa tong takrut and riding his motorbike along Tuas road( heavy Industrial area and Traffic).
He was riding at a fast speed and did not saw an oil patch in front of the road. His motorbike came across the oil batch which it went out of control and ski along the road. He was then flee out of this bike and fell hard on the middle of the road, rowing a few meters.
At that point of time one car behind him was also driving at a fast speed approaching him, but Miraculously it managed to drive out of the way, barely and nearly avoid knocking him down.
Roy t immediately pick himself up and realised that surprisingly he was not hurt or suffered from any bone fractured despite the bad fall. He did not even went to the hospital for further check up as he was feeling perfectly fine.
He strongly believed that Kruba Noi takrut Kar sar tong had saved his life.
Such is the power of the miraclous Kruba Noi kar sar tong takrut.
Ebay store:
Black magic:
Monday, March 17, 2008
Temple to donate coffin
Here i will introduce a very good activite that everyone should do.
Donate coffin to those people, without families, who die in accident.
This is a very good merit which you can do when in bangkok...
here is the address:
the name of the temple is called Wat Hualampong.
Road name is rama 4 road.
When reach there just go to the counter, pay and they will give you a pink paper.
write your name on a pink sheet of paper. they will give u a receipt plus the pink paper. pink paper u go and get some glue and stick on the wodden coffins on display. the receipt u take and go in to the chinese temple and pray then burn in the urn.
then go behind to the thai temple to go take a look. very nice.
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Friday, March 14, 2008
Email from unknown person
for example, a guy email me ask me is there such charm that can be put in water for woman to drink....
well, i decided to publish it in my blog to tell people to STOP EMAIL ME ASKING ME THINGS WHICH I DO NOT DEAL WITH BECAUSE I DO NOT KNOW THE SOURCE OF THE AMULETS...
Click here to go my homepage:
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Ahjahn meng series part 2
Double click on the photo for better View.
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Monday, March 10, 2008
Does size matter?????
You must really see it, it damn funny....
The title is: does size matter????
And please turn on your volume when watching it...
People who are not open to dirty jokes, please do not view.
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Amulet Store:
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Tuesday, March 4, 2008
New Ahjahn meng series
Monday, March 3, 2008
Jatukarm make with of ash and bones?????

Share this interesting article......
The bodies of 28 foetuses or infants who died of natural causes were cremated legally at the temple's ageing incinerator, they said, as Thailand 's craze for Jatukam Ramathep amulets promising wealth showed no signs of easing.
"It is not illegal, but it is inappropriate," an official of the local office of Buddhism told Reuters.
"The chief provincial monk has submitted a formal reprimand letter to the temple's abbot," said the official, who declined to be identified.
The Thawee Kara Anant temple in a northern Bangkok suburb was taking advantage of a craze for the amulets that promise to make their owners "super rich" or "rich without reason" sweeping across predominantly Buddhist Thailand.
In July, it made 140,000 disc-shaped amulets about the size of a coffee-cup lid from a variety of herbs and human ashes and had sold most of them, a monk at the temple said.
The idea of mixing the human ashes into the "Multiple Rich" amulets came after neighbours told the abbot they saw spirits of dead infants buried in the temple graveyard in their dreams asking to be freed, monk Lertsak Thitayano told Reuters.
"The abbot wanted to set them free so he decided to cremate them and make merit for them by mixing their ashes into the amulets to empower them in helping the people," he said.
To gain maximum "power", the Jatukam Ramathep amulets, named after two Hindu gods, have to be prayed over by monks for days.
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One of the most powerful mantra ever exist in this universal. This mantra bring great powerful protection, great fortune and great luck!!! C...
one of the highest ranking monk in thailand (somedej)and me It has been years since I start collecting Thai amulets. I has meet a lot of fr...
One of the most powerful master for making this thai amulet palakit (penis god)this period, lp yit. lp Yit has proven ...