Tuesday, October 25, 2022

A powerful person appear in my life

 My buyer told me that he want his lover to go holiday with him.

Master custom make a "live without me " love charm thai amulet.

After my buyer use the love charm, his lover willingly to follow him overseas for holiday with bonus having big discount from travel agent! incredible right!!!really hard to believe! 


My buyers love to say: Nayan, the day I get to know you is the day a powerful person appear in my life!

But he is facing some visa issue. The country he is traveling to, need apply some visa.

Can we solve the visa problem for him?

Stay tune.

More feedbacks here :https://goodamulets.blogspot.com

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

charming Bastard thai amulet keep make them happy

A lot of buyers who came by to enquiry on powerful charm, without any single doubt, without thinking twice, i would recommend them or anyone charming bastard thai amulet.

Recently, a buyer after purchase, less than 1 month, the buyer come back with gratitude and thanks me about this charming bastard thai amulet.

The buyer told me that his life is improve so much! and all people around her really treat her so much better now! work like a charm!

Let me pass my audition

We has help a buyer to pass help job audit successfully. Life has been stress, lets us help you to make life easier. [03/05, 15:32] Happy Bu...