Saturday, April 19, 2008


recently, i am doing research on Chinese metaphysics.... that why i been posting articles about that... i receive a lot of reponse from my last posting... so u i will continue to share more...


You can now do family-planning with a little assistance from the wisdom of Chinese ancients.

According to a newspaper report, there exists a graph which can predict when couples will increase their chances of bearing a baby boy or girl. The predictions are made based on the age at which a woman conceives and the month in which the baby is conceived.

The would-be mother's Chinese lunar birth year should correspond to a particular Chinese lunar month in which the baby is conceived in order to determine the baby's gender. A person's lunar birth date is always one year older than his or her age according to the Gregorian calendar that is used today, whilst the lunar month can be consulted from a Chinese lunar year calender.

One Madam Lim, who provided the chart to the newspaper, told the paper: "My friend followed the chart, and bore a baby boy when she conceived at the lunar age of 30 during the first lunar month."

The chart had been discovered in the tomb of a Chinese royalty in Beijing, China, and dates back to at least 700 years ago, and has been re-drawn by Chinese scientists.

Results are said to be 99 per cent accurate.

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