Thursday, February 14, 2019

Save a marriage thai amulet

A sad buyer approach me. He told me his finance is leaving him because he accidentally sleep with other girls when he was drunk and his finance find out.
Now his finance has left him.

[26/01, 16:11] ‪sad lover‬: Hello boss
[26/01, 16:11] ‪sad lover‬: I have a problem with me.
[26/01, 16:11] ‪sad lover‬: My ex and I broke up and I really want to be back with her.
[26/01, 16:11] ‪sad lover‬: I'll do anything to go back with her
[26/01, 16:12] ‪sad lover‬: I truly love her and I want to marry her
[26/01, 16:12] ‪sad lover‬: We was in a 4 year relationship
[26/01, 16:12] ‪sad lover‬: Everything gone
[26/01, 17:44] Nayan: Ok

We perform a bring lover back ritual and give him a forgive me thai amulet.

Soon, he told me his lover has forgive him and going dinner with him.

[12/02, 22:15] ‪Happy Lover: Bro my amulet really works and its beyond power and its remarkable and this is a blessing in disguise I really believe it in and faith trust and patience really works thank you for everything I'm so happy that it helped me alot a big thank you to you and master I'm so blessed thank you for everything
[12/02, 22:24] Nayan: Ok
[12/02, 22:24] Nayan: Thank you
[12/02, 22:24] ‪Happy Lover: No bro a big thank you to you.


Another successful save marriage case:

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