Thursday, June 6, 2019

battery energizer thai amuler

[05/06, 22:10] Happy Buyer: Bro
[05/06, 22:10] Happy Buyer: Why when I wear the amulet
[05/06, 22:10] Happy Buyer: It will feel hot.
[05/06, 22:10] Happy Buyer: Like the amulet will feel warm and hot
[06/06, 11:05] Nayan: Gd. Mean move the energy in your body
[06/06, 11:05] Nayan: Mean your luck, n body v serious
[06/06, 13:22] Happy Buyer: Serious ah
[06/06, 13:22] Happy Buyer: Thank you bro
[06/06, 13:23] Happy Buyer: Wah thank u thank u

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A buyer experience good luck coming:

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