Monday, March 5, 2012

Lp Rod Phra somedj

Monk: Lp Rod
Provenience: Pisalolo
material: Elephant trunk ( excellent for protection, against spirit, against black magic)
Master skill: Disciple of Great master Lp doem
That time, lp rod was a young monk and he was learning under the skill of lp doem.
Lp rod was helping him preparing the patyant( mantra cloth). Then a devotes came and request a amulet from Lp doem. Master say, go over there and get a patyant from there. The devote went over and request LP doem to bless again. Lp doem say it is not necessary as the young monk has master skill of making magical items from him and the power level is already very good. (extract from Lp Rod reference book in temple)

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